Keep up with the news at Compass Aviation
From the Winter 2009 newsletter...
We hope this newsletter finds you warm and comfortable, during these wintry days. Thank you once again for your faithful prayers and gifts! We will never know this side of eternity the true impact they have had. We are honored that you have partnered with us as the Lord has directed over this past year and now here we are in 2009 already. ... [ read more ]
An Alaskan Adventure
Day by day, weather is watched, forecasters are called, plans are made, plans are adjusted, plans are cancelled, and schedules altered in the attempt to bring these supplies to this family during the darkest time of the year. The plane is loaded and waiting for the weather to clear. ... [ read more ]
From the Winter 2007 newsletter...
We hope all of you had a blessed holiday season, and that this newsletter finds you well. God has blessed us with plenty of work to do -- not just on airplanes, either. We are all endeavoring to be faithful in the work He has given to us. Here are a few examples (and updates) ... [ read more ]
From the October 2006 update...
Greetings from North Carolina! It's a cool, clear, sunny fall day here in Shelby; perfect weather for flying. Here's an update to tell you what we've been "up" to lately. ... [ read more ]
From the Summer 2006 newsletter...
We pray our "end of summer" newsletter finds you blessed. Where do we much has been happening in the last few months. Much of it can be summed up in two words: "hellos" and "goodbyes." ... [ read more ]
From the February 2006 newsletter...
We dedicate this introductory newsletter to God's incredible plan and to His glory. Compass 21, Inc., conceived in heavenly realms, began operations December 25, 2004. The Shelby Municpal Airport went out for bid by the City of Shelby in the fall of 2004. The City received twenty-nine requests and four propasals, which were narrowed to two finalists - Compass 21 and a multi-million dollar international company ... [ read more ]